How to learn html for beginners in 2021?- A Guide to Learning Hypertext Markup Language

How to learn html for beginners in 2021?- A Guide to Learning Hypertext Markup Language


Hypertext Markup Language. It's what web browsers need to decipher your webpage. They can't read anything but HTML, so you need HTML if you're going to have a webpage or blog.

You can create any type of webpage you want using HTML coding. You can embed video, flash, or any type of media with a few lines of code. You can also develop templates, different web pages, and make them look like professionals. Even if you don't want to do the coding for your website you should still learn HTML.

It can not only save you time, but it can save you money as well. If you can make small tweaks to your webpage, then you don't have to pay a webmaster to do it for you. They do cost a lot of money and they charge for every little change. It will also allow you to change your WordPress blog templates. If you see a webpage you like you can copy the code and use it to create your own webpage. There's a lot you can do when you know HTML coding.

What Is HTML?

HTML stands for a hypertext markup language. It's made of keywords and commands that web designers use for creating websites.

Hypertext is text with links that readers can simply click on to go to another page or another part of the page. Meanwhile, markup language uses tags or plain text with special markings to define the sections of a page, such as headers and footers, and other elements, including tables and images.

HTML is considered one of the three essential tools in webpage creation: HTML provides the structure or the way text, pictures, and so on will appear on the website. CSS (cascading style sheets) sets the visual properties of these elements, such as colors, format, and layout. Meanwhile, Javascript makes these elements behave in certain ways depending on a user's action. For example, the font size of text can increase when users hover over their mouse or click a button on a page.

To write HTML, you'll need a text editor, like Notepad, Brackets, or Atom. HTML editors make sure your coding is clean and functional. They help reduce errors by automatically inserting tags (auto-completion) and other common elements or through debugging.

Why should I learn HTML?

This is a very common question amongst beginners. It's a valid question, especially as there are conflicting views on how necessary it is. Our position is this:

If you want to create fast-and-dirty web pages and have no ambition to make them good quality or easy to access, then you can probably get by without understanding HTML. However you must understand that you are taking a chance — your web pages may or may not work (even if they appear to have worked).

If you are even slightly serious about making web pages that people can access and use, a basic understanding of HTML is an absolute must. This doesn't mean you need to learn the whole language thoroughly — just that you need to understand the structure of the language and have an idea of how it all fits together.

You will understand websites better.

 if you learn HTML, It can be nice to understand how information on a website is structured, when you are scouring the web. By learning HTML, you will give yourself the opportunity to understand how different aspects of a website works and communicate with each other. That will make your online presence a whole new experience.

You will learn problem solving skills

In its essence programming is problem solving. You take one problem at a time and in the end, you have a finished product. Problem solving skills are always welcome in a company. And not forget that it is also a skill we use extensively in our private life.

What is HTML Used For?

HTML is the default language of websites and web-based documents. It helps a browser understand the structure and style of a document or files for viewing over the internet. It allows your web pages to host audio, videos, spreadsheets, and other applications. It also facilitates navigation within web pages or between websites through hypertext.

Moreover, website makers can use HTML to design forms for ordering products, making reservations, or searching for information. HTML is, therefore, the basic building block for building your brand and running an e-commerce site or an online subscription-based business.

How Long Does it Take to Learn HTML?

in general, you can expect to understand the fundamentals of HTML in about a week. It’s not uncommon for focused individuals to understand HTML coding after as little as 15 hours of study. References such as training videos, books, cheat sheets, and code lists can make learning HTML easier for novices. Studying the source code of great websites as you move through your lessons can also speed up the learning process.

It’s entirely possible to learn HTML online, and many students find a digital learning environment to be both fitting and convenient. If you’re interested in taking online classes, find and sign up for courses that are taught by a live instructor who will help you learn as you go through each fundamental component of HTML. Remember that finding a good educational source is important, as each HTML lesson will serve as a building block to more complex ones.

It’s important to note that while you can learn to code HTML in a fairly short period of time, you may find that learning programming languages that add more functionality to a website, like JavaScript, can take longer, even with the use of a library like JQuery. At Certstaffix Training, we recognize that for many, the best way to learn HTML is alongside CSS, and that’s why we offer courses that incorporate both languages.

What’s the Best Way to Learn HTML?

There are many different learning paths you can choose for learning HTML, and the cost and time involved can vary greatly. Before you decide, spend some time identifying your goals and how this might impact your choice. If you’re just starting out in your career and your aim is to eventually go into business as a web developer—a traditional education like a bachelor’s or master’s degree might be on the cards. If you’re already established in your career and looking to upskill in this area—an online course could get you where you want to be quickly, and with less expense. Are you undecided and just looking for new avenues to explore? Perhaps you could pursue the self-learning route for now.

Once you’ve narrowed down which goal best describes your situation, you’ll be in a better position to decide how you’ll go about learning HTML. This will also help you determine how you'll pace your learning

Learning HTML is very useful – it will help you with website development and management. HTML serves as the foundation of your website’s structure and performance. Luckily, if you want to learn HTML, there are plenty of online resources to make use of.

If you’re really want to learn HTML, you’re in luck. There are plenty of great online resources to learn HTML. What is great, that with online courses you can learn from the comfort of your own home.

Here are a few more resources for getting started with HTML:

  • Udemy
  • Udacity
  • freeCodeCamp

Join a Developer Community

Being a part of a programming community allows you to share and participate in this sharing.

There’s no doubt that you can benefit from joining a web developer forum. The challenge is finding the right programming or web development community for your needs.

  • StackOverflow
  • Developers Forum
  • GitHub

These are only a handful of the programming communities that are there for you to explore. Each one has its own distinct personality and aims, which attracts certain types of users.

This list should be used to get you started. There are hundreds of programming communities out there, and there is absolutely no downside in getting involved in a few of them. If you’re interested in communities dedicated to particular languages or platforms, they are just a Google search away.


Learning how to code in HTML is a valuable use of your time in a world that is dominated by the internet. HTML is a great language to invest in learning for aspiring web developers, or anyone who is interested in the web.

HTML, alongside CSS and JavaScript, is one of the core building blocks of most modern websites. As a result, there is a massive community of developers out there who know how to code in HTML. There are plenty of written guides available online to help you master the basics.

to become a great developer, recognizing that there are hundreds of online -and offline- programming communities out there of like-minded individuals who have dealt with the same problems you have is incredibly useful. Most of these communities also feature awesome web design blogs, which will help you learn the latest and greatest techniques.

Here are a few helpful posts you might want to read, too:

What is HTML? The History of HTML

11 skills you need to become a front end developer in 2021

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