11 skills you need to become a front end developer in 2021

11 skills you need to become a front end developer in 2021


A website is typically a collection of web pages, images, and other elements that are linked together to form a larger, structured document. 

A website can be made up of a single page or it could have thousands of pages. Each page will have its text, images, and other elements. All web pages and elements are then placed in a folder and stored on your web host server. 

Each web page is written in codes and these codes describe the layout, format, and content on the page. The most common coding language used to create web pages is HTML

If you’ve poked around on browsed through online courses, you’ve probably gathered that web development tends to break down into three main concentrations: front-end, back-end, and full stack.

in this article, we talk about from end developer.

A front-end web developer is the part of web development that codes and creates front-end elements of a website, which are features that are directly viewable and accessible by the end-user or client. Essentially, a front-end developer is responsible for everything you see and works to enhance the user experience to ensure it is seamless. They help create the overall design and aesthetic, in addition to debugging and using static code analysis

So, What Is a Front End Developer?

 A front-end web developer is responsible for implementing visual components on a website as well as interactive features like navigation, buttons, or anything that enhances overall usability. HTML, CSS,  and JavaScript, are often used to make sure the visual side of a site runs smoothly so that users can interact freely and comfortably with it. Although some front-end developers handle web design.

The objective of designing a site is to ensure that when the users open up the site they see the information in a format that is easy to read and relevant. This is further complicated by the fact that users now use a large variety of devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions forcing the designer to consider these aspects when designing the site. They need to ensure that their site comes up correctly in different browsers (cross-browser), different operating systems (cross-platform), and different devices (cross-device), which requires careful planning on the side of the developer. 

what Types of Front-End Developer Skills?

While you may not be doing the design heavy lifting as a web developer, you still play a huge role in the creation and deployment of a website. Thus, it’s essential to be able to think creatively in order to implement the vision given to you by UI/UX or Web Designers. This is where development becomes an art form as there are usually multiple correct ways to create a functional and beautiful front end.

Front-end web developers must keep in mind that the tools and skills used to create the front end of a website are always changing. So developers need to constantly learn and brush up skills in these areas to advance their careers.

The basic of a front-end developer is HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Front-end web developers do more than design and code a website’s look and feel. Below, we’ll cover some of the more common additional skills these professionals rely on in their work:


HTML is an acronym of (Hyper Text Markup Language) which is used for creating web pages and web applications. It is simple to use and has loose syntax. It is nearly established on every website and supported by every browser. It is easy to learn and code. It is free to use and doesn't require any license.


CSS stands for (Cascading Style Sheets). It is a style sheet language that describes the look and document's formatting written in the markup language. It helps us to add new looks to our old HTML documents. By making some changes in the CSS code, we can easily change the look of the website. It provides an additional feature to HTML. CSS reduces the work by controlling the layout of multiple web pages. CSS is easy to maintain and has good community support.

Both HTML and CSS are client-side web scripting languages that are used for creating web pages. There are many ways that create the difference between HTML and CSS, such as the implementing methods, their syntactical structure, ease of use, and the features like attributes.


JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive. Where HTML and CSS are languages that give structure and style to web pages, JavaScript gives web pages interactive elements that engage a user. 

Incorporating JavaScript improves the user experience of the web page by converting it from a static page into an interactive one. To recap, JavaScript adds behavior to web pages.


jQuery is a lightweight, open-source JavaScript library that helps us build interactive web pages with animations, visual effects, and advanced functionality. It is the most popular JavaScript library.

CSS and JavaScript Frameworks

CSS frameworks  (Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma, and Pure) make your styling workflow productive, clean, and maintainable. By using one of the following frameworks, you’ll save time and avoid many of the headaches that come with CSS coding.

JavaScript framework (REACT, ANGULAR, VUE) is a collection of JavaScript code libraries that provide developers with pre-written code for routine programming tasks. Frameworks are structures with a particular context and help you create web applications within that context.

CSS Preprocessors

CSS preprocessors are scripting languages that extend the default capabilities of CSS. They enable us to use logic in our CSS code, such as variables, nesting, inheritance, mixins, functions, and mathematical operations. the three most popular and stable CSS preprocessors are Sass, LESS, and Stylus CSS, css preprocessors make it easy to automate repetitive tasks, reduce the number of errors and code bloat, create reusable code snippets, and ensure backward compatibility.

Responsive web design

Responsive web design means that a website can legibly fit the screen of any mobile device. All of the text is readable, all of the images are clear, and everything fits the screen as perfectly as on a laptop or desktop computer.

Responsive web design works through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), using various settings to serve different style properties depending on the screen size, orientation, resolution, color capability, and other characteristics of the user’s device. A few examples of CSS properties related to responsive web design include the viewport and media queries.

Version Control and Git

Version Control Systems (VCS) have been used by many software developers during project developments as it helps them to manage the source codes and enables them to keep every version of the project they have worked on. It is the way towards managing, organizing, and coordinating the development of objects. In Software Engineering, software developers need to collaborate with each other to develop a better project. Thus, VCS is very useful because it also supports a collaborative framework that makes it easy for software developers to work together effectively. Without VCS, collaboration is very challenging.

Git is one of the most widely used version control systems in the world. It is a free, open source tool that can be downloaded to your local machine and used for logging all changes made to a group of designated computer files (referred to as a “git repository” or “repo” for short) over time. It can be used to control file versions locally by you alone on your computer but is perhaps most powerful when employed to coordinate simultaneous work on a group of files shared among distributed groups of people.

Testing and Debugging

Testing means verifying correct behavior. Testing can be done at all stages of module development: requirements analysis, interface design, algorithm design, implementation, and integration with other modules. In the following, attention will be directed at implementation testing. Implementation testing is not restricted to execution testing. An implementation can also be tested using correctness proofs, code tracing, and peer reviews, as described below.

Debugging is a cyclic activity involving execution testing and code correction. The testing that is done during debugging has a different aim than final module testing. Final module testing aims to demonstrate correctness, whereas testing during debugging is primarily aimed at locating errors. This difference has a significant effect on the choice of testing strategies.

Cross-Browser developer

Cross-Browser development is the process of building your web pages in such a way so that they are compatible across a range of browsers. Cross-browser development becomes important as the display of HTML and CSS differs with every browser.   This helps to render the exact same layout across browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. without any distortions.

command line

The command line is a text-based application for viewing, handling, and manipulating files on your computer. It's much like Windows Explorer or Finder on the Mac, but without the graphical interface. Other names for the command line are cmd, CLI, prompt, console, or terminal.

Setting up for success as a front-end web developer.

A Front-end web developer is an in-demand career that gives you direct control over how a company looks to the outside world. It’s an incredible challenge, but also has significant rewards both financial and otherwise. As you think about becoming a front-end developer, take the time to make sure it’s the right path for you. From there, build the right skill set to set yourself up for success.